Hebei, Cina
Jenis Usaha:
Trading Company
Jangkauan Bisnis:
Industrial Equipment & Components, Manufacturing & Processing Machinery
Pasar Utama:
South America, Southeast Asia/ Mideast
Mode Impor & Ekspor:
Have Own Export License
Ketentuan Pembayaran:
LC, T/T, PayPal, Western Union, Small-amount payment
Layanan OEM/ODM
Secured Trading Service

Produsen dan pemasok dari Mesin Busa EPS, Mesin Pemotong Busa CNC, Mesin Daur Ulang Busa, Granulator EPS, Mesin Pemotong EPS, Mesin Pelebur EPS, Pemotong Busa Kabel Panas, Mesin Kabel Cepat, Mesin Pemotong Kontur Busa, Penghancur Busa EPS dari China, menawarkan Apa Merek Terbaik Mesin Pelebur Polistirena Dari China?, Bagaimana Cara Mendapatkan Lebih Banyak Kapasitas Dari Mesin Daur Ulang Pencairan Polistirena?, Mesin Peleburan Panas Polistirena EPS Besar Merek China dengan Dua Tong kualitas dll..

Anggota Emas Harga mulai 2024

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Mr. Jack
Sales Manager

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Shijiazhuang Myaid Trading Co., Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Myaid Trading Co., Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Myaid Trading Co., Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Myaid Trading Co., Ltd.
Jenis Usaha: Perusahaan Perdagangan
Jangkauan Bisnis: Mesin Manufaktur & Pemrosesan, Perlengkapan Industri & Komponen
Produk Utama: ‪Mesin Busa EPS‬ , ‪Mesin Pemotong Busa CNC‬ , ‪Mesin Daur Ulang Busa‬ , ‪Granulator EPS‬ , ‪Mesin Pemotong EPS‬ , ‪Mesin Pelebur EPS‬ , ‪Pemotong Busa Kabel Panas‬ , ‪Mesin Kabel Cepat‬ , ‪Mesin Pemotong Kontur Busa‬ , ‪Penghancur Busa EPS‬
Pasar Utama: Amerika Selatan, Asia Tenggara/Timur Tengah
Mode Impor & Ekspor: Memiliki Izin Ekspor Sendiri
Ketentuan Pembayaran: LC, T/T., PayPal, Western Union, Pembayaran dalam jumlah kecil
SGS Nomor Seri :

Myaid Machinery supply EPS Foam block Machine, CNC foam Cutting Machine, EPS Recycling Machine, Fast Wire Contour Cutting Machine from China, all machines are with good quality and good pricing.

Q: What we can do?

A: We not just sell machines, we give you solutions based on your demand. Our solutions come with your application, budget and your capacity. It matters with things that what you want to do and what are your capacity and your budget. The different cases come out with different solutions. So, we advise you think before you act and ask from us before you act.

Q: Why us?

A: There are always some big and good manufacturers focus on production and being week in marketing themselves, we are there to speak for them and give clients extra option and solutions.

We are in EPS industry for almost 10 years and our know-how team can give you best solutions.

Business works on trust. Once you start your first business with us, we will be your long term business relations. And we update and email you pictures/video of your machine work test, container loading and seal conditions in each transactions. Just act now.

Q: Where are we located?

A: We are located at Xinji town, shijiazhuang city which is center for EPS industry at China North.

Q: Any different experience for buying machines from China North and China South refering to the aspects of EPS machine configuration and price?

A: Yes. The machine price at our city is most affordable in whole China. The machine configuration can be custom made as per client demand.

Kapasitas Perdagangan

Ketentuan Komersial Internasional (Incoterms):
Ketentuan Pembayaran:
LC, T/T., PayPal, Western Union, Pembayaran dalam jumlah kecil
Waktu Pengiriman Rata-rata:
Waktu Pengiriman Puncak Musim: dalam 15 hari kerja, Waktu Pengiriman di Luar Musim: dalam 15 hari kerja
Jumlah Staf Perdagangan Asing:
Pelanggan Utama:
Nama Perusahaan Negara/Wilayah Produk yang Anda Sediakan
Polystyrene manuf LLC Uni Emirat Arab EPS cutter
Tahun Ekspor:
Persentase Ekspor:
Pasar Utama:
Amerika Selatan, Asia Tenggara/Timur Tengah
Pelabuhan Terdekat:
Tianjin Port
Mode Impor & Ekspor:
Memiliki Izin Ekspor Sendiri

Rekanan Kapasitas Produksi

Alamat Pabrik:
Xinji subcity,Shijiazhuang city,Hebei province
Kapasitas Litbang:
Jumlah Staf Litbang:
Jumlah Lini Produksi:
Nilai Keluaran Tahunan:
US$2,5 Juta - US$5 Juta
Keluaran Tahunan dari Produk Utama:
Nama Produk Produksi Unit (Tahun Sebelumnya)
EPS cutter 100 Set
EPS crusher 200 Set

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