Guangdong, Cina
Jenis Usaha:
Modal Terdaftar:
50000 RMB
Area Pabrik:
101~500 square meters
Pasar Utama:
North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Western Europe
Waktu Pengiriman Rata-rata:
Peak Season Lead Time: one month
Off Season Lead Time: one month
Layanan OEM/ODM
Sampel Tersedia
Secured Trading Service
Klasifikasi: 5.0/5

Produsen dan pemasok dari Smart Watch, Alarm Clock, Wall Clock, Note Pad, mouse dan Keyboard, Kalender Natal, dekorasi Natal, pemotong cookie, Produk PET, Keselamatan dan Perlindungan dari China, menawarkan Minimalis Retro Insulated coaster Table Mat Glass Cup, Medali Lomba Trofi Kaca Khusus, Botol anggur Kosong grosir 1000 ml kualitas dll..

Anggota Emas Harga mulai 2020

Pemasok dengan izin usaha terverifikasi

Beranda Produk Elastic Band Notebook Time Daily Promotion pen stationery and office supply

Elastic Band Notebook Time Daily Promotion pen stationery and office supply

Total 8 Produk