Jiangsu, Cina
Jangkauan Bisnis:
Construction & Decoration, Industrial Equipment & Components, Instruments & Meters, ...
Area Pabrik:
550 square meters
Ketentuan Komersial Internasional (Incoterms):
Ketersediaan OEM/ODM:
Layanan OEM/ODM
Sampel Tersedia

Produsen dan pemasok dari Alat Daya dan Aksesoris, Alat Tanpa Kabel, Alat Tangan, Alat Udara, Alat Kebun, Produk Keselamatan (APD) dari China, menawarkan Fixtec Gergaji Pemotong Logam Profesional Kompak Bertenaga Baterai 20V Gergaji Resiprok Cordless, Fixtec Multifungsi 38PCS Kunci Pas Mini Obeng Set Alat Ruang Sempit, Set Obeng Fixtec Terlaris 37PCS Set Obeng Datar Set Alat Bengkel kualitas dll..

Anggota Berlian Harga mulai 2011

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Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.
Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.
Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.

Profil Perusahaan

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Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.
Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.
Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.
Ebic Tools Co., Ltd.
Jangkauan Bisnis: Instrumen & Alat Ukur, Keamanan & Perlindungan, Konstruksi & Dekorasi, Mesin Manufaktur & ...
Produk Utama: ‪Alat Daya dan Aksesoris‬ , ‪Alat Tanpa Kabel‬ , ‪Alat Tangan‬ , ‪Alat Udara‬ , ‪Alat Kebun‬ , ‪Produk Keselamatan (APD)‬
Area Pabrik: 550 meter persegi
Ketentuan Komersial Internasional (Incoterms): FOB, CFR, ID PAJAK
Ketersediaan OEM/ODM: Ya

EBIC Tools Co., Ltd. is established since 2003, Durability, safety, satisfaction, and the total power tool solution are the core of the brand FIXTEC. Developed in China with the latest and advanced technology, the brand FIXTEC is on PAR with the world′s leading brands in terms of performance and customer satisfaction.

FIXTEC is equipped with a DIY, Semi industrial, and industrial portfolio of tools and accessories abiding truly by its slogan ONE STOP TOOLS STATION and expanding its range to markets by ...

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