Produsen dan pemasok dari Bor listrik, Alat tanpa kabel, Gergaji rantai tanpa kabel, Alat baterai, Alat baterai lithium, Bor tanpa kabel, Bor impact tanpa kabel, Kunci impact tanpa kabel, Gerinda sudut tanpa kabel, Blower tanpa kabel dari China, menawarkan Senapan Semprot Cat Listrik Multifungsi Tangan 20V Wosai 800ml Senapan Semprot Disinfektan, 20V Wosai Mini Handheld Cordless Peralatan Cuci China Mesin Cuci Mobil Bertekanan Tinggi, 20V Wosai Baterai Lithium 4/6 Inci Gergaji Rantai Portabel Genggam Atas Mesin Gergaji Mini kualitas dll..
Pemasok dengan izin usaha terverifikasi
Jenis Usaha: | Produsen/Pabrik & Perusahaan Dagang | |
Produk Utama: | Bor listrik , Alat tanpa kabel , Gergaji rantai tanpa kabel , Alat baterai , Alat baterai lithium , Bor tanpa kabel , Bor impact tanpa kabel , Kunci impact tanpa kabel , Gerinda sudut tanpa kabel , Blower tanpa kabel | |
Jumlah Karyawan: | 44 | |
Tahun Pendirian: | 2020-02-17 | |
Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen: | ISO 9001, ISO 9000 | |
Waktu Pengiriman Rata-rata: |
Waktu Pengiriman Puncak Musim: Satu bulan Waktu Pengiriman di Luar Musim: Satu bulan |
Qidong Edge Tool Co., Ltd. Was established in 2014. The business scope includes the production and sales of power tools. Manage the export business of the company′s self-produced products and technologies. All the electric tool products produced are within the scope of the national 3C certification, and have passed the certification and obtained the certification certificate.
As a professional manufacturer of lithium electric power tools, our factory is located in Jiangsu, China, and our trading company ...