Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu

Rincian Produk
Kustomisasi: Tersedia
Layanan purna jual: dukungan online
Garansi: 1 tahun
Produsen/Pabrik, Perusahaan Perdagangan
Anggota Berlian Harga mulai 2018

Pemasok dengan izin usaha terverifikasi

Pemasok yang Diaudit

Diaudit oleh lembaga inspeksi pihak ketiga yang independen

Modal Terdaftar
500000 RMB
Area Pabrik
>2000 meter persegi
  • Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu
  • Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu
  • Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu
  • Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu
  • Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu
  • Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu
Temukan Produk Serupa

Informasi dasar.

Tidak. Model.
Tipe Operasi
Jenis Kontinu
Tipe Bancge
Kotak Bancian Disk
cairan, pemisahan padat cairan
baja anti karat
discharge (keluarkan)
Paket Transportasi
kotak kayu
Merek Dagang

Deskripsi Produk

Three Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming Equipment
Three Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming Equipment
Three Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming Equipment

Three Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming EquipmentThree Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming EquipmentModel DSN separator is mainly used for clarifying and defating of milk,It is also used for the similar oil to clarify the Liquid-Liquid-Solid three-phase materials ,it is also widely used in the coconut water to separate the fat and impurity.

Working principle:
The bowl will be driven by the main motor by the friction clutch and screw gear pair to rotate highly around the mainshaft.Stock liquid flows from the center charging inlet on the top to the bottom through the charging pipe.And then passes through disc seats to the bowl's space.The bigger gravity solid phase particles in the stock liquid is settled down to the bowl's wall by the centrifugal force and then under the control of the side bowl drained out of the residue outlet but liquid phase is fully settled down to the bowl wall by the centrifugal force field and then under the control of the side bowl it is drained out of the residue outlet but liquid phase is fully settled down to the center along the discs to drain out by the centripetal pump.
Milk separator machine is mainly used skim milk, whey protein isolate, butter, wheat shock shower, casein, cheese production, anhydrous butter centrifuge enrichment and other production processes for medium to large dairy industry enterprises. Equipment uses a closed structure, with milk contact parts made of stainless steel, in line with national food hygiene standards. Device according to user requirements, can also be used in the milk, milk residue, after condensation casein, the protein and whey protein isolate, and whey clarification and purification.




Motor power


Discharging type

Output pressure of clear liquid



Net weight




Overall dimension

L × W × H (mm)

PDSM1000-DN  1000  4 Part discharging  ≤0.2 450 854 × 885 × 1118
PDSM3000-DN  3000  7.5

Variable capacity 


  614 1120 × 850 × 1082
PDSM5000-DN  5000  15  Part discharging  ≤0.1 1000 1270 × 1188 × 1560 
PDSM10000-DN   10000  18.5

Small valve 


 ≤0.2 1250

1563 × 1382 × 1780

Three Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming EquipmentLiaoyang Shenzhou Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. belongs to SHENZHOU Group.We mainly produce decanter centrifuges, Disc centrifuge,Tubular centrifuge,Flat centrifuges, stacked screw dehydrators, centrifugal dehydrators, integrated sludge thickening and dewatering machines, complete sludge dewatering equipment, sewage treatment equipment, planetary gear differentials, and related supporting equipment for decanters (such as sludge cutting machines, shaftless screw conveyors, integrated flocculant preparation systems, etc.).
With a production history of over 40 years, our products are distributed throughout the country and have gone abroad. Having the ability to design and develop centrifuge products, obtaining national patent applications, and obtaining CE and ISO9001 approvals and certifications.

Packaging & Shipping
Three Phase Coconut Water Disc Separator Centrifuge / Milk Skimming Equipment

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Beranda Pemasok Produk Centrifuge & Separator Pemisah sentrifugal disk Separator Sentrifugasi Air Kelapa Tiga Fase / Peralatan Pemisahan Susu