Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi

Rincian Produk
Kustomisasi: Tersedia
Aplikasi: Tahan api
Fitur: filtrasi logam cair

Tur Virtual 360°

Anggota Berlian Harga mulai 2015

Pemasok dengan izin usaha terverifikasi

Pemasok yang Diaudit

Diaudit oleh lembaga inspeksi pihak ketiga yang independen

Modal Terdaftar
41000000 RMB
Area Pabrik
33928 meter persegi
  • Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi
  • Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi
  • Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi
  • Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi
  • Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi
  • Filter Busa Silikon Karbid Berbentuk persegi dan Bundar untuk Aksesori Cor Cor Cor Car Pengecoran Logam Aplikasi
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Informasi dasar.

Tidak. Model.
35mm sampai 200mm
bahan utama
silikon karbid
kerapatan lubang
10/15/20/25/30ppi (ppi=pori per inci)
material refraktori
silikon karbid (sic)
refraktori ( logic)
1500 derajat celsius
Paket Transportasi
karton & palet
sesuai permintaan
Merek Dagang
Hebei, China
Kode HS
Kapasitas Produksi

Deskripsi Produk

Filter Busa Keramik Karbid Silikon untuk Logam Molten Filtrasi Castor Besi ulet Besi ulet Abu-abu
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Nama Model: NINGIN-CFF-S
Aplikasi:  Untuk filtrasi besi cair, tembaga, kuningan, dan aloi

Bahan utama Silikon karbid (SIC)
Suhu Kerja ≤1500
Warna Abu-abu
Kerapatan lubang 10/15/20/25/30PPI (PPI=pori-pori per inci)
Porositas(%) 80-90
Kekuatan kompresi (MPa)   ≥1.0 (suhu ruang)
Kepadatan Massal(g/cm3) 0.35-0.55
Tahan terhadap guncangan termal Suhu ruangan 2 kali/1100≥


Foto detail


Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry ApplicationSquare and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry ApplicationSquare and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry ApplicationSquare and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application

Kemasan & Pengiriman

Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application


Gambar Kasus Aplikasi


Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application

Profil Perusahaan

Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry ApplicationSquare and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application


Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application
Square and Round Shape Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam Filter for Iron Casting Car Accessories Foundry Application


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